Megan Brittingham Photography

Friday, February 12, 2010


What is your website URL?

Where are you from and how old are you?
I am 26 years old. I was born in Toms River, New Jersey, but we only lived there briefly. My dad was in the Navy so we've lived all of the east coast. I moved from Virginia Beach, to Philadelphia to go to college and I just stayed in the area. I love Philly!

How did you get into Photography?

I always loved taking photos, even with my plastic 35mm as a child. I used to use my best friends as models and make them pose for me. I just knew it was something I wanted to do.

You went school for photography and you work in the mortgage / title industry? How did that come about?

Before I went to college I got a job in the industry, back in Virginia Beach, and after I left school I needed something full time and permanent so I went back into that field. I honestly enjoy it. I've had a lot of different jobs and I like this field. Of course photography is my passion and would like to have photography be my main source of income one day, but no matter what, it will always be my passion and I will never give it up. I take my photography jobs very seriously.

What kind of clients do you enjoy working with?

I've never had a client that I didn’t like. I get to be part of someone's special day, and I think my clients and I both realize that. I do gear myself towards budget brides and I realize some people don’t understand that. I just understand their situation, my fiance and I are paying for our wedding ourselves and are the tightest of budgets! I just don’t feel the need to over charge. I think you can get yourself into a lot of trouble that way. I am honest. I'm not a sales person. No bridezillas please!

What is the highest form of compliment any client can give to you?

A referral! Or an email expressing any form of compliment or appreciation or something like that.

What kind of music do you like?

Most rock music, any kind of rock! Alternative rock, classic rock, indie rock, etc.

You have a growing collection of tattoos, does that ever stop you from getting photo jobs?

No. My clients are pretty cool. I don’t have many visible tattoos and the few ones that are visible are very small and discrete. I present myself professionally when photographing an event. I'd love to work with a very tattooed bride one day though! *hint hint*

What do you do for fun?

My fiance and I are huge movie fans. We go to the movies pretty regularly. Netflix is amazing. I also enjoy going to dive bars and drinking a few beers and catching up with friends. I love, love, love going to concerts. I occasionally enjoy going dancing, but I think I'm getting to old for it. I'm a terrible dancer but hey, its fun! We're kind of homebodies and we stay in a lot and rent movies and hang out with our dog on the sofa. That’s always the highlight of my day.

Whats your favorite movie, tv show, band, artist, etc?

My favorite tv show is Six Feet Under. Favorite movie is American Beauty. Band - the smashing pumpkins & nine inch nails. Artists are Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Annie Leibovitz and my fiance and I both like HR Giger too.

Wedding Photographer

Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer


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